May 10, 2011


My Mojito Recipe
1. Slice lime in half, then slice halves into quarters.
2. Add 1 lime chunk & about 10 mint leaves to morter. Press to soften leaves & release the mint oils.
3. Add 3 more lime chunks & a tablespoon of sugar to morter. Continue mortaring.
4. In a glass filled with ice, pour the morter mixer, 1 shot of Bacardi & fill the rest of the cup with seltzer water.
Ask any of my friends, i'm obsessed with two things in the summer: mangos & mojitos! There was a bar at college where i first stumble on the almighty mojito. I would frantically finish my homework or more often then not, procrastinate, persuade everyone else they didn't need to do their homework or make it to their 8 a.m. class the next morning & frolic down to the bar & consume. What's your favorite summer drink?


Ellie said...

Your mojitos are amazing :) My favorite summer drink is a delicious Caipirinha or a Long Beach mmmm

Ruby said...

I am in love with your shot glass! What a find, you lucky girl.