August 13, 2011


Eclectic Connoisseur - White dining roomElle Decor white living roomwhitedecorThis is my perfect dream home! Growing up I used to paint my bedroom a new color before every school year. I'm not sure why, but for the sheer enjoyment of change. From bubble gum pink to sage green, I think I've done every color possible. I even painted my dorm room tourquise, which the school had a fit over. But now, my love of color has been replaced with my adoration of all white interiors. It's the perfect backdrop for all my treasures and there is just something sexy about it too!

1 comment:

blue roses said...

the shape of that chair in front of the fireplace is really sexy; such a sleek structure. love the opulence of the grandfather clock as well, looks carved from porcelain!